Thursday, October 13, 2005

AMOE (Angel Moms On Earth)

This is a lovely website, providing 'Angel Moms' for 'Angels' in need. All angels needs will be different - some ma live in a family with financial struggles, others the victims of bullying, or perhaps suffeering from illness or disabilites.

Angel Moms On Earth

I signed up yesterday and was lucky enough to be given an Angel straight away. I look forward to writing to her, and sending few extra treats. It will be wonderful to get to know her.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Meme 45

Meme 45 - In The Garden:

I realised I was late with the In The Garden theme, so stitched this up in about 5 minutes...must try harder next time ;)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Still here in Blog-Land!

Believe it or not, I am still here in the land of blogging - even though it has been so long!!

I have loads of stitchy pieces to show you, I will blog them later - for now, I would like to say...I finished a meme on time!! LOL - in fact, I finished this one early...scary, huh?!!

The theme for Meme 42 was "Time Flies". I couldn't find a design small enough that I really liked for this theme, so decided to chart my own - now available as a freebie at Purple Cross Stitch

You see, time really does fly. And on that note, must log off for now, more later......

Monday, February 14, 2005

Sunday, February 13, 2005


So, what's new? Me, blogging twice in one week, that's a novelty!! ;)

I have been working on another piece for Helping Hands - a tiny burial gown:



This gown is so tiny, it measures just 7/12 inches. The back is left open, to make dressing the tiny, fragile 1-2lb babies as easy as possible. It is so sad that these items are needed.

What else is new? Well, I just recently set up a new aquarium...though getting the fish to pose for a photo wasn't an easy job. Here's the best shot I could get on my camera phone:

Now just to finish my little meme by tomorrow.....

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Still here

I am still here in the land of blogging, just got a little lost....

What have I been up to these past months? A little job-hunting, a little stitching, and a whole lot of eating and sleeping!! I have been a little productive.....just finished these little baby clothes for Helping Hands For Premature Babies

Also finished a few stitched squares for Friends to Seniors

And finally, stitched this piece up for a Chrismtas RR that I am involved in - cute little fella isn't he?

Now to catch up on some memes.....

Saturday, January 01, 2005