Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Red Hair Day

Well, it's been a few days since my last post....hoped that I might have a finished piece to show you by now...another butterfly at least, but my stitching has been disasterous the past few days.
Pulled out an old piece for UFO Tuesday at Stitch Clubs - 'Early Shift' by Heritage Stitchcraft. I haven't stitched on this since I first started it back 5 or 6 years ago. I will work on this every Tuesday from now on, until it is finished.

I decided it was about time for a haircut (been 11 months since the last one!!) - went a lot shorter than planned, and a little redder, but very happy with it.....feels sooooo short now though. Couldn't get a good pic:

Will certainly be easier to manage, it was almost waist length beforehand.

Well, best get back to that stitching......


Jacky said...

It's looking good, Jo - though we'd like to see the front view, too! ;)

Johanna said...

LOL - Jacky...I did take a few of the front view, but with the peculiar squinty face I pulled every time the flas went off, I thought the back view might be less scary ;-)