Saturday, July 07, 2007

I have been playing catchup with a few things lately so haven't had much time for blogging and stitching lately. I have managed to finish the black parts of my Celtic Ferret Knot - from now on it gets even easier, it is just 'colouring in'

I also completed these two biscornus for the Biscornu Beginners Swap, hosted by Jacky. I really enjoyed making them (though I am disappointed to notice after mailing I missed a few stitches on the orange side of the first one!! Hope my partner won't mind..) Will post pics of the ones I receive in the swap when they arrive. I want to make more now, think I could become hooked! One of the girls at Stitch Clubs mentioned the idea of making biscornu Christmas ornaments...what a wonderful idea, I am going to make a few! We are also thinking of doing an ornament swap, would be great fun!


Jacky said...

Oooooooooh you have been busy, Jo - lovely biscornu - hope you don't have to wait long for your swaps ;)

Barb said...

Love the Biscornu. Great job on them. Your Celtic knot looks good too.

Stitchabilities said...

I bet your ferret is coloured in by now,I do like it very effective!

Jacky said...

[If I did it right]you've been taggged. You can check at my blog:

Barb said...

Oh No Jo, I came over to tell you I tagged you . Jacky was the one that tagged me. You can just claim you were tagged by two people you don't have to come up with 20 things.