Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cardboard city due for demolition!

Finally, I get back to blogging! Been a busy few weeks since the move, but slowly, it's getting there.

My new furniture arrived yesterday - all flatpacked, so I have a weekend of construction ahead. But the best news, is that I will get to knock down Cardboard City, and not a moment too soon!! It's driving me mad, I can't find anything, and am in permanent fear of a midnight collapse!!

I have had a little time for stitching though...I was the 4th and final person to stitch on this beautiful round robin for a lady named Diane, at Stitchers Bonanza:

I stitched the brown one, top left. This was a really enjoyable project to stitch, I was really happy to see the finished RR...I didn't want to give it back!! LOL

I have also been busy on a couple of baby items for Cuddles. Cuddles is a UK organisation, that collect blankets, burial gowns and hooded wraps for babies that don't make it. I am working on a little blue blanket and a tiny cream coloured burial gown. I haven't made one of these before, and it is so sad to see just how tiny it is turning out.

I am really missing the Memes, can't wait to get back to them. Look forward to catching up on what the rest of you have been working on!

Take Care, and have a good weekend everyone.

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