Sunday, September 19, 2004

Cardboard City

Welcome to Cardboard City!! LOL

This is the sight that will greet me tomorrow, and a painful reminder that there is still more to be getting on with. I hate moving house!!

My PC will be all packed up tomorrow night, and I am not sure when I will be getting back online again, so I will take this chance to say goodbye for now, hope to see you in a few days!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Johanna,
Hows the move going? Its so stressful moving isnt it?
Thanks for popping in, always good to hear from you.
Take care
Lulu x

Johanna said...

Thanks for thinking of me....well, the move went pretty well, tiring, but all done in one day!! LOL Don't wantto doo it again in a hurry. Not unpacked at all yet though, have a severe lack of furniture, so cardboard city has moved with me!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Is this where I confess we moved 9-10 years ago and we still have a room full of boxes . . . *The Dreaded Box Room* (insert eerie music here) May your boxes not multiply as mine did; never leave them alone in a room together . . . Grin
Suze from PURPLE