Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I HATE that frog.....

Well, I had a major visit from the little green monster today....I had to stitch the same part of my sampler three times today before I finally got it right - all that ripping left obvious holes where the stitches had been pulled....with a bit of teasing with the needle and a wash and press I hope it won't be too noticable. Anyway, here is the result, and despite a disasterous day, I am really happy with this sampler, until this it has been a really fun project to work on, and I am sure tomorrow will be a better day...


Jacky said...

Looking great, Jo - worth all the frogging!!

Sue said...

Hi Jo

It's looking great. I know the feeling about frogging, in the past I;ve done exactly the same but in the end I put the stitching away for a few weeks. Keep up the great work
