Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hats again - LOL

Finished putting together an envelope to send to WOCS - as well as the 2 hats I blogged about previously, I finished another 6..also in the envelope are 10 packs of scratch mitts, which I was lucky enough to find on sale for 10 per pack of 2 pairs!

If you aren't a member of the WOCS group, but would like to see some of the squares, quilts, and knitted/crocheted items that have been collected since the group began, they have an a photo album at Webshots - WOCS PICTURES. Enjoy, there is already a lot to see - and the group was only formed in January of this year! I really enjoy knowing that whatever I stitch/knit or crochet....however large or small, it can and will be used somehow :)


Jacky said...

Lovely hats, Jo. I've joined up but haven't actually sent anything yet - promise I will soon ;)

Johanna said...

LOL - you were posting a reply to my blog, at the EXACT same time I was posting to yours!!

I hope you enjoy reading the WOCS messages - and when you have time to send something (not sure where you will fit it in with all those stitchalongs!! LOL), you know that they will be so grateful :)